Chanda Price Q&A

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Chanda Price

1.) How long have you been in the real estate profession? 8 years 2.) How long have you been with O’Neal Real Estate? 8 years 3.) What are some spring … Read More

Trisha Shrabel Q&A

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Trisha Shrabel, Realtor - O'Neal Real Estate

How long have you been in the real estate profession? 3 1/2 years How long have you been with O’Neal Real Estate?  I have only ever done Real Estate with … Read More

Lindsey Cooper Q&A

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Lindsey Cooper Q&A

1.)How long have you been in the real estate profession? 8 years 2.)How long have you been with O’Neal Real Estate? 04/13/24 3.) What are some spring market trends? (interior … Read More

Unlocking Personal Wealth

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Unlocking Personal Wealth

Unlocking Personal Wealth: Investing in Real Estate for Financial Freedom   In the hustle and bustle of life, financial stability and long-term wealth can often feel like distant dreams. The … Read More


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Your Perfect Match

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is not just in the air; it’s in every corner of the homes we dream of. At O’Neal, we believe that finding the perfect home … Read More