YEAR ROUND LAKE VIEW. In the popular area of Diver’s Ridge. Bring a friend and buy the additional lot next door or buy it for yourself to have more room. Some building restrictions may apply on additional lot.
Price: | $$60,000 |
Address: | TBD 511 |
City: | Vian |
County: | Cherokee |
State: | Oklahoma |
Subdivision: | Peaceful Valley |
MLS: | 1071187 |
Acres: | 0.36 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.36 acres |
taxLot: | 4 |
viewYN: | yes |
taxBlock: | 1 |
directions: | Take a right as soon as you pass Blackgum fire department and go 1/2 mile to Divers Ridge and turn left. go about 1/2 mile and turn left on 511 to property on Left. |
highSchool: | Vian |
permission: | IDX |
postalCity: | Vian |
topography: | Sloping |
vegetation: | Partially Wooded, Wooded |
lotSizeArea: | 0.36 |
lotSizeUnits: | Acres |
buyerFinancing: | Cash |
humanModifiedYN: | yes |
taxAnnualAmount: | 185 |
elementarySchool: | Vian |
lotSizeDimensions: | .25 +/- |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Vian |
propertySubTypeAdditional: | Residential |
middleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict: | Vian |
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